Office of the Official Opposition 

Lela Evans, MHA Torngat Mountains, joins the Tony Wakeham PC Caucus

For Immediate Release

(July 16, 2024, St. John’s, N.L.) – Tony Wakeham, Leader of the PC Party and Official Opposition, announced today that Lela Evans (MHA, Torngat Mountains) will immediately join the Wakeham PC Caucus.

“Lela is a strong advocate on issues that matter to people – an outspoken individual known all across our province for putting people before politics,” said Wakeham. “I have always appreciated her passion and forthrightness in standing up for the people of Torngat Mountains and others around our province who are facing tough challenges. She is never afraid to take a stand and speak loudly and passionately for people who need someone to have their back – and I have the utmost respect for that.”

Wakeham added, “Lela and I were first elected back in 2019. While she may have left the PC caucus, we remained good friends and colleagues. We hold the same belief that people should always come before politics. We share concerns that, under the Furey Liberal Government, too many people have been left behind in terms of health care, cost of living, affordable housing, and education. Our province has seen one crisis after another with no plan or long-term strategy. Like me, Lela believes we must do better for the people of our province. I welcome Lela to our PC Team, and together, we are poised to drive the waves of change across the province, working tirelessly to create a brighter future.”

Evans said, “I have known Tony for a long time and have tremendous confidence in his leadership and his sincere commitment to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. Tony has lived and worked in Labrador and has firsthand knowledge of the issues.  I have always had the utmost respect for Tony – his way of doing things, his way of thinking, his way of listening, and his way of leading.”

“My personal agenda is to better the lives of the people of Labrador, particularly those of my district and others who face similar struggles,” noted Evans. “Having thought about this for a long time and consulted with people throughout my district, I have decided that I can give the people of Torngat Mountains a bigger voice from within the caucus that Tony leads. I firmly believe the people of our province are ready for change and are fed up with the Furey Liberal Government. I believe Tony Wakeham will do good things for our province, restoring good governance and strong principles of fairness and equity to Newfoundland and Labrador, and always put people before politics, as I do.”

