Office of the Official Opposition
Parrott Deeply Concerned People Cannot Heat Their Homes
St. John’s, NL (September 9, 2024)
Progressive Conservative MHA for Terra Nova, Lloyd Parrott, expresses his deep concern and dissatisfaction that residents of rural communities, specifically St. Brendan’s, will be unable to heat their homes this winter.
Following a business review, the local home heating fuel provider has ceased service to many rural communities. While a replacement provider has been identified for some communities, no provider has been identified for St. Brendan’s.
"I have spoken to residents of St. Brendan’s, including the mayor, who tell me that they cannot find anyone to deliver home heating fuel to their community," said Parrott.
"These residents cannot switch to another heating source; thus, without a home heating fuel provider, they will be forced to go cold this winter."
Parrott has advocated on behalf of his constituents, but the Furey Liberal government has made the situation worse for residents.
"I have been working to find solutions for my constituents, but the Furey Liberal government is not helping," continued Parrott. "They refuse to adjust the ferry schedule to help facilitate fuel delivery. The Furey Liberal government's high cost of doing business is an obstacle to local businesses who want to provide service to the area."
"Are the Furey-Liberals going to stand idly by and leave the residents of St. Brendan’s in the cold this winter?"