St. John’s, NL (January 24, 2025) – Joedy Wall, PC Official Opposition Shadow Minister for Housing and MHA for Cape St. Francis, today spoke out on the continued reports of criminal activity and lawlessness surrounding the Liberals failed transitional housing shelter at 106 Airport Inn Road.


Wall noted the PC Official Opposition has been raising concerns over the location and cost of the home since it was announced that the Furey Liberals would lease the former Comfort Inn Hotel for $7 million a year plus operational costs.


“Our office has heard from a number of residents and businesses who describe breaks ins, drug use, and harassment, often occurring in the middle of the day. Residents and seniors are fearful to leave their homes after witnessing bold illegal activity and vandalism, often in broad daylight. I have talked to one resident who sold their home and moved out of frustration. This lucrative deal with a Liberal friend was done without any public notice or consultation with area residents and businesses who are now dealing with the fallout.”


Wall noted the 106 Airport Road location, sole source leased from a well-known Liberal, was criticized by community advocates and medical experts as the wrong model in the wrong location.


“The location and lack of wrap around supports was a criticism from the beginning as the facility has sat mostly empty for months. Social media is full of stories and pictures of residents living in fear. The RNC are now providing overtime patrols and additional resources such as the mounted unit to try to restore public safety in the area. This mess clearly lands at the feet of Government.”


Wall is calling for Housing Minister John Abbott to have a public meeting to address these issues and step-up security and oversight of the facility in the meantime.


“My heart goes out to parents who are afraid to let their children play outside and seniors who are afraid to leave their homes to go to medical appointments. It is time for the Minister to take action.”