(October 22, 2024 St. John’s, NL) – Lela Evans, MHA for Torngat Mountains and Shadow Critic for Labrador Affairs today voiced her ongoing frustration about travel costs within Labrador. A new report from the Goose Bay Airport Authority notes that since 2019 airline prices have increased 9.2% nationally compared to 33% for HVGB and a whopping 47% for Labrador West residents.
Evans noted Labradorians are being gouged when it comes to airline prices.
The average airfare from Nain to Happy Valley-Goose Bay is a staggering $1,245, and a trip to St. John's costs $2,497.
This significant increase in travel costs stunts Labrador’s economic growth and impacts our ability to access healthcare as residents of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Evans emphasized a need for action. “These price increases pose a formidable barrier for families seeking essential healthcare services that are not easily accessible through current government programs. Not everyone has large amounts of cash in the bank to draw upon if their family is faced with a medical emergency. What message is government sending to the people of Labrador?”
The impact of these travel costs is felt deeply within our Labrador communities, as many are forced to make tough decisions, not only around accessing medical treatment but for all essential travel.
“These exorbitant travel costs are not just numbers; they represent real families struggling to access the medical care they need,” said Evans.
Evans calls on the government to make changes, “I ask the Premier and his cabinet, why is it more important to provide travel subsidies for travel to Europe than it is to ensure residents can access timely medical travel within our own province?”
The PC caucus has long advocated for policies that would alleviate these burdens. “We must prioritize the health of our communities. Ensuring that travel costs do not hinder access to essential care is vital for the well-being of all Labradorians. “It’s time for our government to take a serious look at how we can support residents in remote areas, including ensuring all Labradorians can access travel for medical purposes,” Evans concluded.